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22nd Century Leadership - David Crane

22nd Century Leadership - David Crane

David currently is the senior operating executive at Pegasus Capital Advisors, a New York City-based private equity firm focused on investment in sustainability and wellness.

22nd Century Leadership - A Conversation between Jib Ellison and Paul Dolan

22nd Century Leadership - A Conversation between Jib Ellison and Paul Dolan

This week’s pod is the first in a new conversation series between Jib Ellison, CEO and Founder of Blu Skye and other sustainability leaders discussing life, liberty and the pursuit of a beautiful future. We’re not sure what we are calling the series yet, but for now, let’s call it “22nd Century Leadership”.

Seatbelts and Sustainability

Seatbelts and Sustainability

Sustainability is like buckling up. Today when you get in a car, you probably buckle your seatbelt. This wasn’t always the case.

Popping Rivets

Popping Rivets

If you pull out one rivet [on an airplane], that's fine—the plane flies... But there will come a time when you take the last rivet and the wing comes off.