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22nd Century Leadership - Weston Boyles

22nd Century Leadership - Weston Boyles

Adventurer, filmmaker and avid conservationist who in 2012 founded Ríos to Rivers—bringing young people from different countries and cultures together to protect wild rivers.

22nd Century Leadership - Kris Tompkins

22nd Century Leadership - Kris Tompkins

I first met Kris almost 25 years ago when she moved to a remote valley in a southern Chilean rainforest to live with her new husband, Doug Tompkins, where together they would work tirelessly to become the most important Wildlands Philanthropists in recent history.

22nd Century Leadership - David Crane

22nd Century Leadership - David Crane

David currently is the senior operating executive at Pegasus Capital Advisors, a New York City-based private equity firm focused on investment in sustainability and wellness.

22nd Century Leadership - A Conversation between Jib Ellison and Paul Dolan

22nd Century Leadership - A Conversation between Jib Ellison and Paul Dolan

This week’s pod is the first in a new conversation series between Jib Ellison, CEO and Founder of Blu Skye and other sustainability leaders discussing life, liberty and the pursuit of a beautiful future. We’re not sure what we are calling the series yet, but for now, let’s call it “22nd Century Leadership”.